Monday, January 09, 2006

I Heart Girl Talk

In the midst of all the puking and whatnot between myself and the Boy this weekend (we were both sick) we managed to have a great time on Friday night playing Girl Talk: Secret Diary Edition with my bestie Rachel. Having never played this game before and it being from the 80's, it provided some much needed laughs...

Imagine three 20-somethings sitting around a St. Paul apartment playing a game geared toward 1980's teenage girls with bad crimped hair and large puffy bangs, dressed in pastels. Funny, I know - but it was a blast, really! And the best part was that you could win "Hot Boy Cards" (at least that's what we called them) which had a picture of a boy and a description of him. They had the bad boy, the sensitive boy, the jock, the nerd... you catch my drift. I won Mitch, Cody, Michael, and Brad. They're so dreamy!

And at the end of the game, the winner got to read the embarrassing secrets that we each wrote down and put into the "Personal and Confidential" file at the beginning of the game... and believe me friends, there was one particular secret from the Boy that was VERY funny...

*** Just look at how much fun the girls are having on the cover of the game box... talk about fugly though... honestly, what were people thinking back then with their personal style choices? I'm not saying I was any better, but still... permed hair? And that sexy little pink sweater vest the girl on the right is wearing (probably with a pink paisley button down shirt underneath)? And the hot teal denim shirt the other girl is sporting with the matching teal bulb earrings?


Rachel Irene said...

I had a perm in the 80s.... I'm Asian... *hangs head in shame*

Al said...

OMG! We have the nearly complete set sitting in our living room, consisting of: Mall Madness, Meet Me at the Mall, and Electronic Dream Phone ("Talk to real guys and find out if THEY like YOU!"). The one game we don't have? GIRL TALK! And only because my mom threw it away a few years ago in a fit of spring cleaning.

But for a bit the roommates and I waxed nostalgic about the only game in town where if you got too many sticker zits on your face, you were OUT.

BTW, feel no shame, Rachel. Here's my Personal and Confidential Secret: I wanted to be an Asian girl with a perm during the 80s. Preferrably Korean. I felt like a being a Minnesota Mutt (think: Any sort of Scandinavian + German + Irish) wasn't very unique. Now it just makes me sort of giggle in hindsight.

the Alpha John said...

(1) Nothing says 80s like The Vagina Monologues board game for would-be future suburban sluts of America
(2) All the boys on those cards grew up to be meth heads and hustle in WeHo
(3) You're not going to share the secret? Inquiring minds want to know

Roberto said...

Sorry - I'm not at liberty to share the secret without his permission... I'd hate to get in trouble... :D However, ask me when I'm drunk and I'll tell you...