Wednesday, January 18, 2006

75 Things About Me

This was going to be "100 Things About Me" but I had to actually get some real work done...

1. I have really blue eyes, and I know how to use them to my advantage.
2. I have 3 sisters, and 2 brothers.
3. I broke my collar bone senior year of college playing football with choir boys and girls.
4. My first job was selling baby clothes and baby furniture at Sears.
5. I originally went to Gustavus Adolphus College to study to become a high school English teacher.
6. I made out with my 9th grade girlfriend, Kim Olson, in the preschool rooms in the basement of my church.
7. I can sing the entire musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat”.
8. I tried smoking when I lived in Paris because everyone else was doing it. It never really caught on with me, but when I came back, I used to smoke when I drank.
9. I saw Dennis Quaid at the Houston Airport on choir tour when we were waiting for our plane back to Minnesota. I followed his children around the bookstore there. They look most like his ex-wife Meg Ryan.
10. I wet the bed until I was in 6th grade.
11. I pick at my scabs.
12. I’m in love with my Chapstick Lip Moisturizer.
13. I saw Pope John Paul II on New Years Day 2003 at the Vatican and listened to his New Years address to the public. It was one of the coolest moments in my life, even though I’m not Catholic.
14. When I was 6, I was the ring bearer in my brother’s wedding and I pooped my pants because I got super nervous. My dad threw my underwear away in the boy’s bathroom at the church and I had to go commando down the aisle with the flower girl, whose nickname was Peaches.
15. I was an uncle for the first time at age 7.
16. I don’t write my check card receipts into my checkbook. I should start doing that.
17. I love Drea DiBartolo’s stuffed baked clams.
18. I lost my virginity in a tent set up in the living room in an apartment in College View, my senior year of college. It was with an ex-girlfriend of mine.
19. I hate math and science.
20. I get hot flashes at least once a week.
21. I don’t “pass wind” in front of girls unless I know them really, really well.
22. I love Starbuck’s caramel macchiato.
23. Michael Bublé makes me want to spooge a little.
24. I used to let my nieces give me a make-over when they were younger.
25. My sister Allison used to practice painting nails on me.
26. I think Matt Marshall is HOT.
27. Sometimes the Boy and I go to Abercrombie & Fitch just to see if there are hot boys working.
28. I love dipping apple slices in peanut butter.
29. “To Kill a Mockingbird” is one of my favorite books and movies.
30. My parents were going to name me Andrew Robert or Joshua Robert, but my mom liked the nickname Robbie.
31. Santa at my dad’s house brought us all a stocking full of office supplies when I was 8. I still complain about that Christmas to my dad, that an 8 year old should get toys – not a stapler and tape.
32. I have never cheated on a significant other, and I don't plan on ever doing that.
33. I like ankle socks.
34. I prefer tighty whities over boxers, but will wear both.
35. Someday I want to live in Chicago.
36. I used to steal food from the cafeteria at Gustavus when I worked there freshman year.
37. I got severely constipated after I had my jaw surgery and had to ask my mom to go buy me a laxative.
38. I got an “A” on my senior thesis in college, and it’s my pride and joy – all 33 pages of it.
39. I think Michelle Kwan is too old to be competing in this year’s Olympics.
40. I love my featherbed.
41. My favorite episode of Will & Grace is “Old Fashioned Piano Party”.
42. Rachel is my best friend.
43. I got drunk for the first time when I was 15 at my cousin Natalie’s wedding.
44. I love the game Dance, Dance Revolution.
45. I used to model for the salon my mom works at when I was in pre-school.
46. I dyed my hair my sophomore year of college and it turned out a bright orange color. It was supposed to be a light blonde. I looked like a leprechaun.
47. My sisters and I used to dance around to the Beach Boys in our living room when we were kids.
48. Of all my siblings, I’m closest with my sister Allison.
49. It took 2 nurses and 30 minutes to give me my vaccinations when I was 11 years old. I screamed bloody murder.
50. I was in a car accident with my mom the summer after 7th grade.
51. My dream is to be a writer or journalist.
52. My boyfriend’s name is Matt… there – the mystery of “The Boy” is solved.
53. I don’t understand teenage girls’ obsession with looking like hoochies.
54. I think Nicole Richie needs to eat something.
55. I am a hair snob… I only buy expensive salon products.
56. I get expensive salon products at a 40% discount because my mom works at a salon.
57. When I was a young child, my mom told me they took our dog, Shadow, out to live on a farm. I didn’t realize they actually had him put to sleep until I was in college.
58. My hands shake all the time… the doctor calls it “intentional tremor”, and it’s not life threatening.
59. I have a lead foot, and drive 80-85 miles per hour on the freeway.
60. It’s always been easier for me to make friends with girls than boys.
61. I cry when I watch the movie “My Girl”. 100% guaranteed every time. “Where are his glasses?! He can’t see without his glasses!” How can you not cry during that scene?!
62. I want to be an interior decorator.
63. I can’t pee when someone is looking.
64. I sucked my thumb when I was a kid.
65. I slept with my security blankie until I graduated from high school. I still sleep with it sometimes. We have a special bond.
66. I have never seen “Debbie Does Dallas”, but I kind of want to.
67. I stepped on a toothpick once and it went through my foot.
68. I lost my first tooth at my grandma’s house and cried even though it didn’t hurt.
69. I like to snuggle with Matt.
70. I decorate cakes better than Martha Stewart.
71. I called in sick one morning so I could sleep in. I lied and said I had a migraine. I only took the morning off, and worked the afternoon.
72. When you Google my name, a website comes up for Robert Hill Productions. “Robert Hill” is a porn producer.
73. There is another Robert Hill on the “No-Fly List” issued by the government. Every time I go to the airport to check-in, I have to wait 10 minutes while they verify I’m not THAT Robert Hill.
74. I used to dance/jump along to the Pointer Sister’s “Jump (For My Love)” when I was little and my mom played it on our stereo.
75. My Jetta’s name is Max Wang. He is the younger brother of my old Jetta, Gretta Wang. (Yes, I name my cars!)


Anonymous said...

#48...awww, I feel so special : )
#49...I remember that because I was in the room next to you and thought they were trying to kill you!!!!

Missy said...

So, I randomly found your blog off of Teeps'. This was the funniest POST EVER, and then I saw the one about the soundtrack of life and saw India Arie was on it...LOVE IT!!!!

You are a fab blogger!


Rachel Irene said...

#42. - *tear*
I know what someone's getting for his birthdaaaay! (#66 hehehe) It's a quality movie that everyone should see. You didn't see it at GAC in my room? I had so many VIP showings, you would've thought CV 119 was a porno theatre!