Friday, December 30, 2005

Miss D

I went out to dinner last night with the Boy and one of his girl friends, Drea. I was a little nervous to meet her, as I always am when I meet one of his friends for the first time. All I had been told about her is that she was Italian and somewhat upfront. This didn’t help my situation any, as I am very shy when I first meet someone and I didn’t want to give off the wrong impression.

The three of us met at Old Chicago for dinner. The Boy and I walked in the door and Drea had just arrived. The usual introductions were made, and so far, so good. I could tell I was going to like her company. We found a table in the bar area and ordered a much needed drink and deep dish pizza. After inhaling half of my Honeyweiss and a few slices of pizza, my nerves were finally starting to calm down and I could truly begin to appreciate my new acquaintance and the evening.

I began to loosen up and make more eye contact with Drea. Being shy straight off the bat is not a good thing to have to deal with. The longer you let it hold you back, the harder it is going to be to jump into the conversation and get to know someone. I began to speak more and throw in my two cents, and after a while, I was able to be myself.

Drea is one of the most fascinating people I have met in a long time. She is from Chicago and is here in Minnesota finishing Veterinary School at the U; however, she didn’t go to school here all four years. Prior to transferring to Minnesota, she spent 3 years in Grenada (in the Caribbean) – I never got around to asking her why she decided to come to the frozen tundra. She is now basically done with school and has found a job back in Chicago, so the Boy and I are going to help her move back to the Windy City in January. But I digress…

We got to talking about her experiences in vet school and how excited she is to move back to Chicago. We talked all about the neighborhoods the Boy and I were thinking of moving to when we move out there and which neighborhoods to avoid living in. All the talk about Chicago made me want to move there even more. The Boy kept using the phrase “when we move out there” with such confidence that it made the notion of us actually making this move together more real and that it’s actually going to happen. He wants to make the move with me and that made me feel so good.

We consumed more Schnapps and Honeyweiss, we laughed, we talked more, and I felt like I had known Drea for longer than the 2 or 3 hours that we had been sitting in Old Chicago. It was a comfortable setting.

The evening came to a close and we parted ways. Plans for New Years Eve were made, and we three are going to make filets and baked clams on Saturday night. It was great to meet someone who is so warm and full of life. I’m just sad that I didn’t get to meet her until three weeks before she moves to Chicago!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Story of Us – A History of Two Best Friends

Reflecting upon another fabulous and hilarious night with my bestie Rachel, I felt compelled to write the story of how she and I became best friends. WARNING: This is lengthy… so try and keep up! :)

There I was, a freshman in college standing in Bjorling Recital Hall, wearing a heinous orange t-shirt, trying to resemble a rock quarry worker for the dress rehearsal of the Collegiate Chorus’ “The Flower That Shattered the Stone”. I was the last person in line waiting to get on stage, aimlessly looking around and wondering how the hell I had been talked into joining this strange ensemble. As I was beginning to imagine all the teasing I was going to endure from my friends after they saw this little musical, my thoughts were interrupted by an overly bouncy and perky Asian girl, who clearly possessed the personality like those residents from the North Side of campus. The North Side, known for their rambunctious “social activities” and partying, was very well known and I had never really associated with them. This crazy Asian surprisingly lived on the tranquil and sleepy South Side, but was obviously a wannabe North Sider. But all of my perceptions of North and South Side changed forever on that night I’ll keep locked in my heart forever… for that perky Asian who should have been from the North Side, evolved into my best friend.


I thought to myself, Lord, they are going to give me so much sh** for doing this musical… how am I ever going to live this down?! Just then a lovely and overly hyper Asian bounced on over to me and introduced herself as Rachel. Rachel and I were having a surprisingly pleasant conversation despite the clear differences in personality, and I think we were maybe five minutes into it when she discovered I speak French. Once this little tidbit was revealed, Rachel immediately stopped and said, “Oh my GOD! What does ‘Voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir?’ mean?!” I was shy and kind played dumb at first, but then with some prodding revealed that it means “Will you sleep with me tonight?” We both laughed, and I’ll admit, by the end of the conversation, I had a bit of a crush.

The musical went off without a hitch. The main characters sang their parts beautifully, namely one Miss Ali, who had the lead role and nearly brought tears to my eyes every time I heard her sing “Make Them Hear You” from the musical “Ragtime”. Of course my friends sat in the front row and I couldn’t look at them for fear I’d burst out laughing, and I got my ample share of jabs and teasing from them, but they liked the show.

The last song was sung, the crowd cheered, and then there was the traditional gathering outside the recital hall where we could meet and greet the audience. I found my friends and was talking to them when I was sought out by Rachel and her friend Lisa. “Lisa, this is Rob; Rob this is Lisa. He’s my boy toy!” Mind you dear reader, that the words “boy toy” were not just spoken normally, but rather said with a musical touch and to add icing to the cake, Rachel accompanied this musical tribute with what is now deemed the “Boy Toy Jig”. Yes friends, she did a little dance. Imagine if you will a fully clothed burlesque dancer shaking her ta-ta’s and wiggling her body like a little wiggle worm… it was that classy… but it will forever remain etched in my memory as the first time I knew Rachel would be one of those special people in my life.


The year ended and I didn’t talk to Rachel over the summer. In fact, I didn’t talk to her until fall semester of sophomore year when I joined Chapel Choir. Walking up the stairs to the balcony in Christ Chapel, hearing the chatter and laughing of choir friends reuniting – there she was, as crazy as I remembered her. This year she lived on the North Side and had a new permed hair style, while I remained on the nerdy South Side with my former butt-part hair style.

Rachel and I began to hang out after choir when I was invited to eat dinner with her and her other choir cronies after rehearsal one evening. We found we complimented one another very well and surprisingly had a lot in common. I’m normally very shy when I first meet someone, but once you get to know me, I bloom like a flower and my true colors are revealed. It turned out I could be just as crazy as Rachel and the rest of the North Side.

We had become pretty good friends at this point and Rachel often traveled to the South Side (and I to the North Side) to visit and we would cause a ruckus in Sohre Hall – falling into garbage cans, shopping for man bras for a particular someone-who-shall-remain-nameless, and debating whether or not another particular someone-who-shall-remain-nameless would end up dating Marissa Kolander or be gay. Good times had by all!

Eventually, this friendship turned into romantic feelings and it all came full circle one November evening in Uhler Hall, while Rachel and I were visiting one of her friends nicknamed “Hobie”. We both had a little bit to drink – ok a lot to drink – and ended up sitting at the top of the stairwell outside Hobie’s room and our “feelings” were revealed. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination!

Our romantic relationship lasted 3 weeks and it was ended sitting outside the Courtyard Café a day or two before Thanksgiving Break. Let’s just say it didn’t end well, and Rachel and I didn’t speak to each other for the rest of the year, and all of junior year, except for one brief encounter just before the Gustavus Choir, which Rachel was now a member of, left for their tour of Italy for J-Term.


It was a cold January day our junior year. I had just returned from Paris and studying abroad for a semester, and I was at Gustavus visiting friends and wishing the choir happy trails as their buses were loading to head to the airport. Rachel and I bumped into each other and we said “hello” and I briefly told her about my study abroad experience and that they would have an amazing time in Rome. That was the extent of our communication junior year.

Fast forward to December of senior year – Rachel’s apartment in College View for a post Christmas in Christ Chapel party.


Another performance of “C in CC” under my belt – it was time to unwind and have some fun before it all started again the next day. It turned out that Rachel was having a “C in CC” choir party at her apartment, so I figured, eh, it can’t hurt. I’ll know lots of people there. I arrived and approached the “bar”, a.k.a. the kitchen counter, and Rachel was standing there pouring drinks and taking shots… being just as crazy and fun as I had always known. A conversation ensued that would reveal many, many secrets about our sophomore year relationship and the evil forces driving the break-up, and in a matter of minutes, a year and a half of bitterness and confusion ended and we were on speaking terms again. I felt great. It felt like I had my friend back.

From there on out, we hung out, went to the bar together, and we were able to rekindle that special bond we had before. For length reasons, I’m going to leave out some details, but since Rachel and I mended our relationship that December, we have become best friends and our bond has become so strong. We realized that we could never date again, for reasons that are now clear cut and obvious (namely because I’m gay!), but I couldn’t have asked for a better way to have it.

I could not have asked for a more faithful and loyal friend. We have persevered through so many trials and tribulations and we’re still standing by each other’s side. She and I are so much alike that it’s scary. We now claim that we’re twins that were separated at birth, except she stole all the Asian looks while we were still in the womb, and we found each other 20 years later at Gustavus…

So, if you’re still with me at this point, good job. And here’s to you, Rachel – may we always be best friends and Twins. Your friendship is highly valued. And cue Bette Midler’s “Wind Beneath My Wings”…

Thus endeth the second sappy post in two days… LOL.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Feels Like Home

The Boy and I got to talking about Chicago last night while making dinner at his apartment, and we’ve come to the conclusion that we both want to move there. Chicago is a beautiful and bustling metropolis filled with excitement, entertainment galore, and good people. We’d fit in perfectly and it is a good possibility that at this time next year, we’ll be living there.

Though we talked about a lot of different topics, our talk last night was one of those talks that made me stop and realize just how important the Boy is in my life and how happy he makes me. There are some things in life that you are so unsure about, but when something or someone comes along in life that makes you smile all day thinking about them, or makes you want to climb to the top of the highest mountain and preach your love for them to the world – that’s just wonderful.

I don’t think I have ever felt so sure of anything for quite some time. I’ve come a long way since graduating from college, and the Boy has helped me through a lot since we started dating. I’m sure you’re probably getting sick of me gushing about him, but just know this – for those of you who know me, the Boy has made me the happiest I’ve been in a long time and he’s gone above and beyond all of my expectations. I just hope I’m doing the same for him.

So I’ll close this post with a quote from the genius musings of one Miss Carrie Bradshaw from the final episode of “Sex and the City”:

“…I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic; those that are old and familiar; those that bring up lots of questions; those that bring you somewhere unexpected; those that bring you far from where you started; and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you, you love - well, that's just fabulous.”

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Aaaand cue Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye...

Another Christmas has come and gone! I finally got into the spirit of the season on Christmas morning when I saw all of our stockings had been filled to the brim by “Santa”. I felt like a little kid again because I couldn’t wait to see what I got… and then I was tortured by having to wait all day to get to open my gifts. I got a lot of great things this year, and as usual, my mom was in tune with her children’s wants and needs for presents. So, I’m giving props to my mom for another fabulous Christmas!

I enjoyed Christmas immensely this year, as we did it in a little bit different form at my mom’s. Normally we have a nice brunch in the morning with the whole family and open our presents and stockings; however, none of my siblings could make it over to the matriarch’s abode until Christmas afternoon - so we still had the extended family over for brunch, and then it was just my mom and her 4 kids, 1 grandkid, my sister’s husband, my brother’s fiancée, and a partridge in a pear tree for Christmas afternoon.

The siblings arrived around 3pm, and we opened presents and stockings and ate some food. We laughed and enjoyed each other’s company… it was just a nice intimate setting and you could feel the love circulating about the room. I felt like Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera Ellen should be popping up in our living room singing “White Christmas”. Overall, it was a nice thing to have that day, and it made me realize just how much I love and appreciate the family I have.

So, here’s a belated Merry Christmas to everyone – I hope your holiday was everything you hoped for!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Wanted: Christmas Spirit

Is it me or did the Christmas season sneak up on us all too quickly? I am not really in the Christmas spirit yet, which is sad because it’s about 2 days away now and I should be shaking my presents under the tree trying to figure out if I’m getting clothes or… clothes.

I think it’s the fact that I’m a big boy now and I’m making my contribution to society by working at a thankless job. It doesn’t allow time to get in the spirit… It’s not like the good old days when you’d get 2-3 weeks off from school to recuperate, play in the snow, and tear open your presents, acting surprised that your parents got you that Nintendo (even though you knew that’s what you were getting because you snooped around in their closet while they were gone one day). And the presents – I know it’s about the giving and not the receiving, but now that I’m an adult, the gifts I get from family aren’t as thrilling anymore. I think things started going downhill when I turned 18. When your dad accidentally gives your little brother a Christmas present that was intended for you, leaving you present-less with no gifts to open, it makes enjoying receiving presents a little less fun. This actually happened to me a few years ago, but I ended up getting $80 in cash from my dad to replace the unpleasantness… :) Ever since then, my dad’s gifts have been minimal, and we get cash. A little impersonal, but hey, at least I can get something I actually want!

Speaking of giving gifts, I have already bought most of my gifts for everyone… this is a rare occurrence, so take note! I only have to buy my future sister-in-law a whimsical snowman cake plate from Marshall Fields, a knife set (who buys knives as a gift?! Apparently I do...) for my mom, and I have one or two more things to buy the Boy. Though I know what I need to buy and where to buy it, it’s now a matter of me getting to those places, shoving women, children, and the elderly out of my way so I can get to my purchases quickly and maintain my sanity. I’ve only had to flip someone off and mouth f*** you once this season while driving near a mall! I’m doing great!


My body's thermostat is broken. Simple as that. I think I am experiencing the male form of menopause... that or I'm trapped in a 50 year old woman's body. This has been a reoccurring problem for me over the months. Temperature wise, I'll be perfectly fine and comfortable one second and then two seconds later it'll be like I just finished 3 hours of "Sweatin' To The Oldies"! After experiencing an "episode", it will take me several minutes to cool down and I'll be left with an embarrassing souvenir of the incident in the form of a lovely sweat line down my back... sexy, I know. AND, it's always a plus when this happens at work, like it did just now (hence the reason for this entry), and people keep asking if you're ok because you look red, and sweat is pouring down your forehead like Niagara Falls. Lovely.

Blog virgin...

So, I never imagined starting a blog. I mean, how interesting can my life be that it requires me to share it with the world?! Not very... but I find myself to be quite funny sometimes. Plus, my life does have it's fair share of adventures and my mind does have interesting thoughts occassionally... plus Rachel, my bestie and person I'll move into a nursing home with (very soon, as we both are aging rapidly...), has shown me through her own blog that this can be quite entertaining. Thus, I am starting my own even if she will be the only one to read it. :) I'll post more later once I think of something exciting to post. Yay! I've finally lost my blog virginity. I think I need a cigarette after that doozy...