Thursday, December 22, 2005

Wanted: Christmas Spirit

Is it me or did the Christmas season sneak up on us all too quickly? I am not really in the Christmas spirit yet, which is sad because it’s about 2 days away now and I should be shaking my presents under the tree trying to figure out if I’m getting clothes or… clothes.

I think it’s the fact that I’m a big boy now and I’m making my contribution to society by working at a thankless job. It doesn’t allow time to get in the spirit… It’s not like the good old days when you’d get 2-3 weeks off from school to recuperate, play in the snow, and tear open your presents, acting surprised that your parents got you that Nintendo (even though you knew that’s what you were getting because you snooped around in their closet while they were gone one day). And the presents – I know it’s about the giving and not the receiving, but now that I’m an adult, the gifts I get from family aren’t as thrilling anymore. I think things started going downhill when I turned 18. When your dad accidentally gives your little brother a Christmas present that was intended for you, leaving you present-less with no gifts to open, it makes enjoying receiving presents a little less fun. This actually happened to me a few years ago, but I ended up getting $80 in cash from my dad to replace the unpleasantness… :) Ever since then, my dad’s gifts have been minimal, and we get cash. A little impersonal, but hey, at least I can get something I actually want!

Speaking of giving gifts, I have already bought most of my gifts for everyone… this is a rare occurrence, so take note! I only have to buy my future sister-in-law a whimsical snowman cake plate from Marshall Fields, a knife set (who buys knives as a gift?! Apparently I do...) for my mom, and I have one or two more things to buy the Boy. Though I know what I need to buy and where to buy it, it’s now a matter of me getting to those places, shoving women, children, and the elderly out of my way so I can get to my purchases quickly and maintain my sanity. I’ve only had to flip someone off and mouth f*** you once this season while driving near a mall! I’m doing great!


Anonymous said...

You still have to buy a few things for your boy??? Who's your boy?? Is this someone I know?

Rachel Irene said...

I'm glad you put what you're getting everyone on your blog... What if they see?! I loved my gift!

Roberto said...

YES, a few things for my BOY... yes, I wonder who that could be... I think you might know him...