Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hello 2007

I have successfully started on one of my resolutions for this year - working out. *Applause, Applause, Courtsey, Blow Kisses* I did the elliptical machine yesterday afternoon for 15 minutes without stopping... I know! Great, huh?

I was managing a pretty consistent pace for the first 8 minutes, but then I felt like I was dying and I could really feel the burn in my chest. They say that burning sensation is an indicator that the exercise is working and you're burning fat, but I am pretty sure the burning isn't supposed to be happening in your chest AND it was only my first time exercising in who knows how long, so I'm sure I wasn't supposed to be experiencing that. My eyes were also burning but that is because I was sweating so much and it was getting in my eyes (plus I could see my reflection in the window, tummy jiggling and all which I am sure contributed to the burning). I'm sure I looked like a big old mess afterward, but I didn't care... I am on my way to getting in shape!

After that finished, I did a little stretching and some abdominal work back in the apartment. I really think I will be able to stick with exercising. I shall always keep a mental image of an Abercrombie model in my head and hope that some day I can look like that. Yes, I shouldn't be so focused on how my body looks, but it'll help me keep motivated to lose a little weight so my family will stop rubbing my stomach every time they see me and saying "Buddah Belly".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We don't bug you that bad dorkuss!!!