Thursday, September 07, 2006

Stars Are Blind... and drunk...

So, as much as I love Paris Hilton and her wacky antics on Simple Life (the first few seasons, that is... the 4th season sucks balls), I must say I laughed when I heard she got pulled over last night for a DUI. You'd think that with all the partying she does, that she would have been pulled over at least one other time, since apparently she drives sometimes and doesn't have a driver.

So, to make this a little funnier, I was reading the little blurb on about this and she said that she had only had one margarita on an empty stomach and she was just so tired from work, so she was swerving on the road and got pulled over. Ok. What "work" does she do??? I wasn't aware that she had a job other than being rich for a living. If anyone can give me any insight on what Miss Paris does for a living then please tell me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of CELEBRITIES getting DUI's is that they can afford to hire a sober cab!! How stupid can you be?!?!?!?! Same thing with Mel Gibson...he can afford to have someone drive him to a bar so he can get wasted and even have the driver sit there and be ready whenever he is ready!! Silly...