Thursday, July 27, 2006

Why yes, Jimmy! You ARE a Transport American...

So I didn't blog yesterday. Oops. I said I'd blog something every day. So I'm blogging today and I'll try and make it longer to compensate for yesterdays lack of motivation.

So even though I detest my job and have been crapped on by trick-ass management more times than I'd like to say, it was suggested that I write about a day in the life of a Transport America slave. So, a la the dreamy Sven Sundgaard, here is my day:

5:15 - Alarm starts beeping because Matthew needs extra time to wake up. Repeat this annoyance about 5-6 more times until he gets up.

6:00 - Matthew comes back from showering and rubs my back until I wake up... I think about rolling over and slapping him for waking me up from my dream about Sven. I think maybe my dream has come true and Sven is actually rubbing my back, roll over, nope, still Matt ;-) Get up.

6:04 - Stand in front of bathroom mirror and put in my contacts and hop in the shower. Sing something like "Defying Gravity" from "Wicked" to entertain myself. Sometimes make it a duet with Matthew while he finishes getting ready.

6:13 - Kiss Matthew goodbye as he jaunts off to work so he can support our lavish lifestyle.

6:15 - Finish getting ready and dress myself. Yes, I do dress myself.

6:30 - Walk 83 miles to my car down in the parking lot and drive to work. During my drive I take time to reflect on how much I loathe TA, I participate in solo sing-a-longs, think about the weekend, and yell at crummy morning drivers.

7:00 - Arrive at my desk (give or take 5 minutes) and log into my computer. While it's logging in I look out our floor to ceiling windows longing for the outside world and 4pm to hurry up and roll around.

7:15 to 12:00 - I usually spend this time working; HOWEVER, a lot of it is spent slacking off on the internet, emailing friends, talking to my sister who works here, and blogging. I always get my work done pretty quickly, so I have a lot of time on my hands.

12:00-1:00 - Lunch! WOOHOO! I get an hour away from this crap hole!

1:00-4:00 - Work, chat, email, and of course, surf the internet.

4:00 - FREEDOM!!! Tear out to my car as fast as my little legs will carry me... throw on my shades and crank up the music. Peel out of the parking lot and avoid plowing down nice co-workers... the ones I don't like so much I narrowly avoid.

4:27 - I get home and Matt and I sit around watching the last half of Oprah and make dinner.

6:30 - Wheel of Fortune!!! Yell out the answer to the puzzle long before the players get it and then yell at the players like an old man for being stupid. Think about applying to be on the show because I know I could make a haul.

The rest of the night's activities varies and depends on what we have planned. We are usually in bed by 10 because we're a couple of grandpas.

There you have it. It might be kind of boring, but......... you'd be right! :)


Missy said...

funniest slash cutest blog entry ever!

do you guys live in woodbury now or what?!?

we may have to have a teeps + rob + significant others reunion before I go to TA dc....I'll make sure to not schedule it past 10 on a weeknight.....

Roberto said...
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Roberto said...

No, we're going to be living in Matt's current apt in St. Paul... I move in a week and a half!!! I can't wait!

P.S. I'm still so jealous that you are moving to DC! We should all get together before you go for sure!

Anonymous said...

This entry couldn't be more accurate! I didn't know you had so many dreams about Sven!