Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Job Hunting - Not for the weak and weary...

I've been job hunting for who knows how long, only to come up empty handed... am I not looking in the right places? Do potential employers find me hideous and unemployable? No, that can't be the case, I am a phenomenal dresser and I'm pretty sure my hygene is top-notch. They must be intimidated that I'll bitch-slap them en francais if they make a wrong move. Yes, that must be it!

I was talking to my co-worker, Lisa, about our job situations since we both seem to be in the same boat. I had never really talked to Lisa much until I moved desks and now sit right next to her. I was always intimidated by her pretty looks and her "popular girl" personality, but we began emailing last week and she's grown on me. We've started to lean on each other at work when we're at our wits end with our supervisors, and since we can't exactly have a verbal conversation about our frustrations, we've found another way to be bitter and spiteful - email. Through the gossip we've shared with each other, I've come to learn that we are not the only ones here who are fed up with our jobs and supervisors. She has been looking for a new job for about as long as I have, and she too has come up with nothing. So the best her and I can do while doing the job search is complain about our co-workers.

This reminds me somewhat of the movie "9 to 5", starring Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, and Dolly Parton. For those of you who haven't seen this movie, I'd suggest it. The three women battle the "sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot" boss-man in a series of events, and in the end, they pretty much come out on top. But their frustrations with work and their boss reminds me a lot of what Lisa and I talk about, minus having a pot party while doing that. Why is work so stressful? And it's not stressful in the sense of having a lot of work to do - don't get me wrong, I have plenty of work to do - but it's stressful in the sense that I work with a bunch of monkeys whose jobs I could be doing a million times better than them. But alas, my company doesn't see that. So I'll be stuck doing what I'm doing until one day, hopefully in the very near future, I get a new job that takes me to new heights.

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