Thursday, December 22, 2005

Blog virgin...

So, I never imagined starting a blog. I mean, how interesting can my life be that it requires me to share it with the world?! Not very... but I find myself to be quite funny sometimes. Plus, my life does have it's fair share of adventures and my mind does have interesting thoughts occassionally... plus Rachel, my bestie and person I'll move into a nursing home with (very soon, as we both are aging rapidly...), has shown me through her own blog that this can be quite entertaining. Thus, I am starting my own even if she will be the only one to read it. :) I'll post more later once I think of something exciting to post. Yay! I've finally lost my blog virginity. I think I need a cigarette after that doozy...


Anonymous said...

You are such a goofball... I will be sure to read this every single day of my life! :):)

Al said...

congrats on starting your very first blog! welcome to the world of bloggy nerds, basking in the faint glow of their computer monitors... (which, BTW, does NOT give you a very flattering tan).